Tips posts

Discover inside information on a bunch of topics from our in-the-know team to fast track your learning on things like marketing, cybersecurity, taxes and more.

15 January 21
4 minute read

8 ways to win the day

New year, new you? Get inspired by these famous entrepreneurs and the habits they use to win the day.

12 January 21
5 minute read

8 productive tasks you can do when business is quiet

What do you do when business is quiet? Try our 8 practical tips to strengthen your business during quiet periods.

05 January 21
3 minute read

10 ways to kickstart your business

10 great ways to get your business idea off the ground this year.

03 January 21
4 minute read

An introduction to micro investing

Want to start micro investing? Here’s how to invest small amounts of money with a micro investing app, and create the financial future you want.

17 December 20
3 minute read

Brexit: legal implications for businesses

Pre-deal, businesses should think about how their contracts and business may be affected from 1 January 2021. Here's how.

12 December 20
3 minute read

How to price your product or service

Putting a price on something may seem daunting, but it's actually fairly straightforward. Let's take a look at the basics.

07 December 20
5 minute read

How to drive traffic to your website

A simple guide to tactics that’ll increase traffic to your website. Including social media, digital PR, paid and organic search.