Tips posts

Discover inside information on a bunch of topics from our in-the-know team to fast track your learning on things like marketing, cybersecurity, taxes and more.

25 June 20
4 minute read

10 podcasts for entrepreneurs

With over 60,000 business podcasts and almost 7,000 dedicated to entrepreneurship, where to start? With this list of 10 awesome podcasts for entrepreneurs.

24 June 20
5 minute read

Checklist for managing your freelance cashflow

Getting to grips with your cash flow management is an essential part of freelance life. We spoke to Albert Azis-Clauson, CEO and co-founder of UnderPinned to get his take on managing cash flow as a freelancer.

12 June 20
3 minute read

13 top tips for communicating online

Most of our communications now happen online. If you want to get better at your communication, whether in writing or on video, check out our top tips.

02 June 20
5 minute read

Best jobs for working remotely

If you’re looking to make the leap to full-time home based or remote work, here are some options to inspire you.

28 May 20
4 minute read

10 tips for managing a remote team

Effectively managing an office-based team doesn't always translate to good remote team management. We've put together 10 tips to help you.

01 May 20
4 minute read

Josh's life during lockdown

Josh, our Customer Success Team Lead, shares his experience of settling in to working from home, with a few handy tips he picked up along the way.

14 April 20
5 minute read

Protect your business from cyber crime

With lockdown keeping us online, the threat of cyber criminals is pervasive. We’ve put together a guide to cybersecurity threats.