Team culture posts

Company culture is now more valuable than ever to so many employees. Whether you’re trying to build a team or learning how to manage people, our team culture guides can give you the tips and recommendations you need to create a winning culture.

28 May 20
4 minute read

10 tips for managing a remote team

Effectively managing an office-based team doesn't always translate to good remote team management. We've put together 10 tips to help you.

12 May 20
6 minute read

How to get remote working culture right

Maintaining company culture is a big challenge for remote workers and distributed teams. Here are Superscript's top tips.

07 May 20
3 minute read

Personal experience of starting a job remotely

What's it like starting a new job during lockdown? Matt Reid, our Senior Designer, shares his experience of starting his new position remotely.

06 May 20
8 minute read

Hiring and onboarding remotely

What can you do to successfully hire and onboard a new employee, remotely? We caught up with Ben Gateley, Co-Founder and CEO of CharlieHR, to find out.

29 March 20
5 minute read

7 startups making strides in gender equality

7 start-ups making their mark with market-leading gender equality policies and diversity initiatives.

28 March 19
4 minute read

How to onboard a new employee

First impressions count. This is a simple guide to getting things right when onboarding an employee.

26 November 18
7 minute read

How to handle growing pains in a startup team

All you need to know about keeping your team motivated when developing and growing as a startup.