Innovation & tech posts
Stay one step ahead of the game when it comes to innovations in tech, blockchain and crypto with the latest market updates and ones-to-watch articles from our experts.
Top 10 tools for productive teams
Every year we see a host of new software that aims to make us more productive. We have selected the top ten tools that we love at Superscript.
Insuring Web 3.0: Blockchain and Digital Currencies
Bitcoin makes its financial services accessible to anyone, at any time, anywhere in the world. What does this mean for the insurance industry?
Startups to watch: Machine Learning
In the past three years, investment in the capital's AI industry has been growing rapidly. These start-ups are promising to surprise us all.
Top 30 must-have tools for entrepreneurs
We’ve gathered a selection of must-have tools for a business to make work more efficient, your team more productive and your goals easily achievable.
5 most exciting edtech businesses
EdTech is one of the most vibrant sectors in the UK right now. Here's our pick of the most exciting EdTech companies around.
8 super cool uses of AR and VR technology
Augmented and virtual reality isn't just for your typical gamer. Find out how AR and VR tech is being put to use for healthcare purposes and elsewhere.
Everything you need to know about IT contracting
Whether you’re an established IT contractor, or thinking of giving it a go, this guide covers off everything you need to know to make a success of it.