12 risks of Xmas | no. 12

Customisable business insurance
17 December 2019
1 minute read

Business risk: poorly-judged posts

On the 12th day of Christmas... your teammates caused a storm

There is a reason apps like Drunk Locker exist - the bright light of day will not make your intoxicated decisions look good on social media. When that happens to a business or an entrepreneur of high standing, however, the next morning might bring a swarm of mass reaction, and it won't be a kind one.

What's at risk?

Reputations get destroyed with a wrong comment or unpopular opinion, let alone an inappropriate photo you deemed Facebook-fit under the influence. Depending on the position of the author in a business, the scale of the damage an accident like that may bring differs severely. The joke that once seemed funny during the night, might make the headlines the following morning, leaving no reputation safe.

How to avoid it?

Social media has become a feature of nearly all our lives and it is all too easy to upload a photo, write a comment or compose a tweet you might later regret, especially after the Christmas cheer takes hold. To prevent unwanted posts from entering the public domain, adjust your privacy settings across all social media platforms so that all uploads have to be approved by senior management before they go live. Alternatively, the right D&O and cyber covers will have your back even if something does slip through the net. After all, you wouldn't drink and drive, so why tipple too much before you tweet?

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